Endangered Species Countermeasures

絶滅危惧種対策Endangered Species Countermeasures

Protection of endangered species·recovery

In Chiba Prefecture, we have set up a council to investigate endangered species in the prefecture, especially for rare species whose habitat and growth conditions are deteriorating.

In March 2010, we formulated a restoration plan for Sharp Igengoroumodoki and Himekomatsu, and are currently continuing the restoration project. These plans aim to serve as a model for the formulation of recovery plans by various parties in the future, and we will continue to promote efforts for the conservation and recovery of endangered species. In addition, under a contract with the Ministry of the Environment, we are engaged in the protection and breeding business of Tokyo bitterling.

Measures against alien species

  • カミツキガメ

    Snapping turtle

    In order to prevent the impact on the physical system, we are implementing a capture project in the prefecture based on the control implementation plan based on the Alien Species Act.

  • ヒアリ・アカカミアリ

    Solenopsis invicta・Solenopsis geminata

    To call attention to the citizens of the prefecture, on the prefecture homepage, Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis geminata Contains related information.

  • アライグマ

    Procyon lotor

    In order to prevent the impact on the ecosystem, crop damage, and livelihood damage, we are implementing management in prefectures and municipalities based on the management implementation plan based on the Foreign Biological Law.

  • アカゲザル

    Macaca mulatta

    In order to prevent crossing with Japanese macaques, we are implementing control in the prefecture based on the control implementation plan based on the Alien Species Act.

  • キョン

    Muntiacus reevesi

    In order to prevent damage to agricultural products, we are implementing control in prefectures and municipalities based on the control implementation plan based on the Alien Organisms Law.


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